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Founded by: Annalisa Martinez, Marcello Pergola, Marco Turrini, Carla Zanoli

The history of the Association

Since the '80s the Maths Machines Association founding group has developed research on educational activities in collaboration with the Maths History and Educational group at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, directed by Prof. P. Quattrocchi first, then by Prof. M. Bartolini Bussi.

Thank to grants provided by Modena City Council (within the initiatives towards Right to Education), CNR, Math Department of the University of Modena, and "Science High School" A. Tassoni" in Modena, a classroom has been equipped and a lab set up where in 1983 we started building hands-on models to teach Geometry. With the aid of the Computer Center of the University of Modena; a few years later we also started producing audiovisual material about bundles of conicals and geometrical transfomations.

Our research focuses on the learning process of the basic mathematical theories, methods and the contextualization of problems. It aims at facilitating this process by providing the historical context where a theory developed and a tangible and visual dimension of the problem. This last is obtained by means of machines which put projects and idea since ancient Greece into practice.


Registered Office in: Multicentro educativo “Sergio Neri” (MEMO)

Viale J. Barozzi 172 - 41124 Modena

Codice fiscale:94106660361    Partita IVA: 02871750366


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mobile: 3407012734

Per iscriverti  inviare all'associazione il modulo allegato (anche tramite e-mail) debitamente compilato. La quota di iscrizione è di € 20 per i singoli e € 30 per le scuole da versarso su cc. n. 1209316 presso la Banca Popolare dell'Emilia Romagna

IBAN :  IT62P0538712900000001209316

intestato alla Associazione Macchine Matematiche. Le quote sociali vanno intese al netto delle spese di versamento.

Ai soci verrà data la possibilità di utilizzare il materiale, le strutture e le competenze dell' Associazione per la loro attività didattica. Alle scuole verrà data la possibilità di ottenere in prestito  un kit (corredato da schede esplorative) per un periodo limitato.

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machines and simulations